Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Political Economy Essay - 806 Words

Political Economy Our society is strongly influenced by all sources of media. The media shows us what is going on in the world news, fashion and much more. The media is our connection to the world and what goes on all around us. The political economy approach looks at the influence that ownership control, advertising and audience spending has over the mass media and the mediated messages we receive on a daily basis. Political economy believes that everything about media products is created through structural features (ownership, advertising and audience spending). The industries and businesses that the media works for and out of are organized through the economic and political factors of our economy. Political economy†¦show more content†¦Third, the pluralists and post-modernists completely reject the Marxist approach of political economy. They believe that the consumer determines the output of the media. As a consumer you are able to decide what you want to watch or read. You are also able to interpret and take away the message you want to take from the mediated message you come in contact with (even if it is not what the media organization was trying to say). Advertising is another part of the political economy approach. Owners yet again are in charge of the messages portrayed through advertising. They send out a message in order to sell their product or service in order to make the m ost profit possible. To be able to make the most profit owners and advertisers must reach out their advertisements to the right people. They must satisfy the needs of the consumer with the most spending power. A possible hole in the political economy approach is the lack of acknowledging the audience and what they want. All the political economy approach cares about is the economy and ways that they can make the economy better. They care only about the production of the media and the mediated message that is portrayed. The political economy can change this by taking into account the large array of people in our society. When making a product or mediated message you must realize that every individual in society has different opinions and ideas. They can eitherShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of The Political Economy872 Words   |  4 PagesThe theory of the political economy in the context on media studies, is that behind every media product, has a commercial and economic imperative and a s such, has particular impacts on the media content that would not exist if such imperatives ceased to exist. It is these impacts that both limit media products, and allow media products of a particular nature exist. 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