Friday, May 15, 2020

Correlation Research Method - 1207 Words

Correlation Research Method PS300-02 Research Methods I Kaplan University Laura Owens February 12th, 2012 As we read this essay, we should get a better understanding of when it is appropriate to use the correlational research method; supplying an example that illustrates the use of correlational method, from a credible source. We will explain why the researcher in this example chose the correlational method, explaining any limitations to the correlational method in terms of the conclusion that can be made. We will include an explanation of positive, negative,†¦show more content†¦For us to make a prediction with absolute confidence we must have either a +1.00 or -1.00, if we are presented with a value without the (+) and (-) it lessens our ability to predict with confidence (Zechmeister et al., 2001). Mr. Abbey’s study on â€Å"The Mediating Effects of Alcohol on the Relationship between Sensation Seeking and Violence† showed two of the correlations written about above. Mr. Abbey’s study suggested there was zero correlation between sensation seeking and aggr ession as well as zero correlation between sensation seeking behavior and alcohol abuse. Mr. Abbey’s study did however show a positive correlation as well, this positive correlation was found in the relationship of alcohol abuse and violence/aggression; this was proven by the use of multiple regressions (Abbey et al., 2001). Again, â€Å"a correlation exists when two measures of the same people, events, or things vary together or go together† (Zechmeister et al., 2001, p. 131), when we want to determine the direction and strength of a correlation we must find the correlation coefficient. The correlation coefficient is the quantitative index of how well we are able to predict one set of scores (Zechmeister et al., 2001, p. 131). A correlation coefficient can either be positive or negative; positive both measures increase, negative as one measureShow MoreRelatedInvestigating The Data Of Information For The Business Purposes Essay946 Words   |  4 PagesResearch methodology is the process to collect the data of information for the business purposes or for some specific purpose of making specific decisions. The methodology also uses the survey, publications, interviews and company’s articles and journals etc. The simple steps of research methodology are given below: Identification of problem Research objectives Sources of data Data collection Sample, Sample size Data Interpretation Data Analysis Finding and observations Conclusion RecommendationRead MoreChapter Three. Research Design. 3.0Introduction. Chapter882 Words   |  4 Pages CHAPTER THREE RESEARCH DESIGN 3.0 Introduction Chapter three deals with the method and procedure that will be adopted for collecting data and choice of analyzing the data. 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