Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Kayleigh Poudrier. Hist 221-002. Professor Marram. 31 March

Kayleigh Poudrier HIST 221-002 Professor Marram 31 March 2017 It is hard to imagine what it must have felt like to be the Cherokee Indians in the year of 1838. However, in order for one to try to come to some sort of empathetic conclusion, it may be necessary to imagine themselves living and growing up somewhere their whole lives in a place that they love. They would need to imagine having such strong connections to the place that they have called their home and the land surrounding it, and being unable to even comprehend what they would do if they lost their home. For one to attempt an understanding they must imagine that this meaningful home of theirs is being taken away and is no longer theirs to call home. They need to preview images†¦show more content†¦Settlers would often steal their livestock, kicking Native Americans out of their homes and taking them, and harming any single person who opposed to their invasive tactics.(Thornton290). The Trail of Tears began when white settlers found themselves in favor of the land that belon ged to a plethora of Native American tribes such as the Choctaw, Chicasaw, Seminole, and the Cherokee. The United States had been expanding, and was working towards expanding into the southern land. According to the white settlers who were after this land the Indians â€Å"were standing in the way of progress†(â€Å"Indian Removal† para. 1). The white settlers were after large, vast, and fertile stretches of land and did not care as to whether or not the land was already inhabited. Andrew Jackson was the president during the 1830’s when this need for settlement had been occurring. According to the article â€Å"The Age of Jackson† published on the website U.S History, President Jackson’s democracy was not an inclusive system to everyone who made the United States their home. The article states that Jackson had no desire to include woman as equals in politics and made no effort to deal with the slavery that was going on in the country. Since Jackson did not include woman and slaves in his democracy, Native Americans were to receive no special treatment, especially when they were viewed to be interfering with the main goal of settlement(â€Å"The Trail of

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