Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The influence of German Philosophy and English Political Economy in Essay

The influence of German Philosophy and English Political Economy in Marx's Economic and Philosphical Manuscripts (1844) - Essay Example His major contribution in the field of philosophy was based on the integration and unity of mind/spirit among phenomenon which were manifested in a set of contradictions without elimination of the other. For example, bondage and freedom were not directly related in perception and application but they were philosophically integrated and united in the process of development (Spirkin, 1983). The Marxian dialectical materialism approach had been influenced by Hegel’s work in that economic history was understood by viewing human societies as components of a hierarchy of systems processing energy and continuously evolving. This was according to the laws of nature and encompassed multifarious forms of being that existed objectively and independently (Zarembka and Desai, 2011). Karl Marx in his view believed that dialects should not deal on the mental ideas of the world but on material world such as prospects of economic history that was based on production and other economic activiti es. This would necessitate empirical understanding of social processes in the form of interrelations, development and transformations; with successful generations transforming the results of the generations that preceded them (Zarembka and Desai, 2011), and thus divine presence and contradiction between immanence and transcendence. Ludwig Feuerbach was a German philosopher and anthropologist who provided a critique of Christianity and his thoughts were usually viewed as a bridge between Hegel and Karl Marx. By defining the â€Å"false† or theological essence of religion which regarded God as having a separate existence over and against humankind and the belief in sacraments as the â€Å"last supper† symbolizing the religious piece of materialism and thus injuring moral sense and the sense of truth (Feuerbach, 1972). When applying the dialectical methods of analyzing the economic history, economic, socio-cultural or political phenomenon; they should not be viewed separa tely but on their inner connections as an integrated totality and structured around the basic predominant mode of production (Feuerbach, 1972). According to Marx, economic history can be analyzed by understanding the organization of people and their technological powers. For instance, how they model them to interact with their material surroundings, giving the historical structure and development process of modern day capitalistic economies. With this, Marx views society in form of money and alienated man such that in the modern capitalistic societies man is evaluated in terms of their materialistic creditability; influencing their economic judgment of his morality and creating gaps between capitalists and laborers, a correlation of Friedrich’s integration and unity of opposing phenomenon and view on power and submission (Marx and Engels, 2009). Marxian economics evaluates various crunches in capitalism and focuses on the dissemination of resources in terms of surplus product and value generated within the production process among various types of economic systems. The investigation of the nature and origin of economic value, the economic evolution and the analysis of impacts of class and struggles of these classes along the economic and political processes, gives the approach a viable analytical framework an alternative approach to neoclassical economics thus making it unique. As a

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