Thursday, September 26, 2019

Career research report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Career research report - Assignment Example Ways of obtaining this information often eludes the graduates and they end up going back and forth between applications without success. This lack of understanding leads students leads graduates to settle on wrong choices. In my case, I am applying for the position of a sales executive that I saw in an advertisement. I conducted a thorough research into the details of this job including its pros and cons. This report should empower me with the knowledge, from tedious research, that I need to increase my employability in this field. This report outlines the details of the position, the methodology I used to conduct my research and the sources I used. It also analyzes the pros and cons of this career choice; showing the long tern and short term aspects of this field. This report also analyzes the chances of graduates getting jobs as sales executives and the problems they face making this transition. The sales profession, including managers and executives, has been around since mankind discovered they could sell things. The earliest forms of sales include prostitution, which was among the first fields to be recorded as having employed all the techniques used by sales people today. Other examples include the sale of homes and used cars, just to name a few. In the beginning, the field of sales was not as crowded as it is now. Most businesses’ sizes ranged from small to medium; therefore, the sales were handled mostly by the owners. Only in rare cases could one find a business that had employed personnel to aid in sales. The business owners were focused on fulfilling the customer needs by meeting orders and had no need fro sales and marketing. They did not feel the pressure that is present today to branch out their businesses. This was before the industrial revolution ( After the industrial revolution, businesses had the ability to increase their production and serve a larger client base. From here, the need for sales personnel grew by the d ay. Businesses were branching out to new locations, employing sales executives and managers along the way to spread the reach of their product. Sales executives acted as a go-between for the consumer and the producer and nothing more. Recent trends, however, reveal the use of sales executives to gather information about specific client expectations to help improve product and service quality. Competition has grown through sales executives’ efforts to sell quality services and products. They play a major part in influencing the production process through the intelligence they gather. Sales executives receive training on how to obtain information about their products from the customers. This information is taken to the managers who use it in the production process to increase sell ability of the products. Sales executives offer a great deal of service to these companies, not only through sale of product but also through gathering of information. They are tasked with the duty of answering product questions while out in the field. In doing so, they promote the customers’ confidence in the product and in the company making it. Occupational Research Terms of Reference This research was conducted diligently and following due procedure. The purpose was to understand what it entails to be a sales executive. The research also sought out to determine the skills and qualifications required for employment. It outlines the details of the position,

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