Thursday, September 26, 2019

Emma Lazarus, The New Colossus (750 words) Essay

Emma Lazarus, The New Colossus (750 words) - Essay Example Therefore Emma’s difficult experiences lent depth and power to all her writings. Emma’s complicated identity was therefore a barrier that obscured her place in American culture. Her turbulent upbringing lent an appropriate backdrop for her bold, powerful and inspiring essays and poetry protesting against the rise of anti – Semitism in the country. Even before the title of â€Å"Zionist† had been coined, Emma passionately called upon the Jews to unite and build a homeland in Palestine. Emma Lazarus’ historical poem, â€Å"The Colossus† written in 1883, gave to the American’s a credo that was praised and cherished for so many years. The words "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free..." (Emma Lazarus, The Colossus, 1883) are a part of the beautiful poem that was engraved on a huge bronze plaque that is hung in the Statue of Liberty Museum after about 20 years after she was laid to rest. She had written this poem for fundraising for the pedestal of the Liberty Statue. She lived a life of isolation and devoted all her time and energy to writing. She became ill with the terrible disease of cancer and passed away in 1887. Twenty years later, in 1903, this bronze plaque bearing Emma’s sonnet was presented by philanthropist Georgiana Schuyler and was placed on the interior wall of The Statue of Liberty’s pedestal. Then again it was removed and was mounted in the Liberty exhibit at the base of the monument. Many different themes are reflected in Emma’s sonnet, â€Å"The Colossus† some of which are Liberty, Patriotism and courage. Many of the conflicting ideals and identities that Emma dealt with in her own life are reflected or echoed through her sonnet.

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