Monday, October 7, 2019

History of Art and Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

History of Art and Technology - Essay Example This can be seen in how human beings absorb information from the systems of education that have ever existed and from the mass media from past to present. The ideas they learn may have come from the concrete practice of man’s ordinary or extraordinary pursuits, thus coming from life itself. However, there is art in the manner that the lessons are imparted to the audience or to the learner. The artists behind this are the writers, the songwriters, the film makers, the educators, and everyone else who work as mediums of every idea or mere observation. Therefore, while life imitates art, art can never be absolutely detached from life. This is because its inspiration is material. Even the strangest art works are based in the material. What makes these odd though in the senses of some is the fact that the artist has the freedom to express his interpretation of the material. Many of Vincent Van Gogh’s works of art, for example, were considered by his fellow artists and art critics of his time as eccentric and out of touch with reality. However, it was only much later that his works were appreciated. Francis Bacon, a renowned Irish artist, articulated on Van Gogh’s case â€Å"real painters do not paint things as they are...They paint them as they themselves feel them to be.† (Farr 112) The message holds true not just for painters and paintings but for all artists and works of art. Nevertheless, an artist can only create out of his subjective interpretation of what he hears, sees, touch, or even taste. His imaginations can still be bound by the realities of even the most ordinary things and situations in life. Considering the premises mentioned above, everyone sees art and is an artist at the same time even while observing the most normal day-to-day activities. There is art in people in motion, in the way they walk to work and interact when strangers and acquaintances. There is art in the way that motorists deal with

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