Friday, October 11, 2019

Celta Assignment 1

Cambridge CELTA Written Assignment: Language Related Task (LRT Part 2) Read all instructions carefully before you start this assignment. Checking Understanding Write concept questions for the underlined language items below (together with their expected answers), which could be used in order to check students’ understanding. Draw pictures, diagrams or time-lines where appropriate and remember the basic principles outlined in the concept checking input session. All visuals should include a ‘task’ to involve the students. See the examples overleaf. Complete this assignment on the back of this sheet. Note: You should assume that the teacher has already attempted to illustrate meaning of each language item through visual or verbal technique (definition, picture, situation, mime, etc. ) You are not trying to teach or elicit the target language item, just check understanding. 1. He’s been a policeman for ten years. 2. He was wearing a helmet. 3. I had my photo taken. (the tense is NOT relevant here) 4. Your clothes are filthy! 5. If he’d worked harder, he’d have passed his exams. 6. He travelled around the world on his own. 7. She used to drink coffee. 8. He made up with his girlfriend. Concept Questions + Expected Answers |Time-Line, Picture or Diagram | |e. g. She called as soon as she arrived home. | 1 2 | |Did she arrive home? (Yes) |Past X X Now | |Did she call before or after she arrived home? (After) | | |When exactly did she call? (Immediately after) |Is ‘arrived’ action 1 or 2? 1) | | |What is action 2 (She called) | | |How long was there b etween 1 and 2? (A short time / a moment / | | |seconds) | |e. g. The platform was crowded. |Which ones use a ‘platform’? (train and tube) | |Where can you find a ’platform’? Station) |( ( ( ( ( ( | |What do you do on a platform? (Take / Wait for the train) | | Name: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. TP Group: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. I confirm that this is completely my own work. Signed †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. | |Concept Questions + Expected Answers |Time-Line, Picture or Diagram | | |How long has he been a policeman? | | |Expect answer 10 years |Present Perfect Continuous | |1 |Is he still a policeman? |Past X_______________ Now | | |Yes | | | |For how many years has he been a policeman? Question: | | |Expect answer 10 years |How many years has he been a policeman | | | | | | | | | | |What is a helmet? | | |Expect answer | | |2 |Something you wear on your head to protect it |[pic] | | |If you were riding a motorbike what would you wear on your |[pic] | | |head? [pic] | | |Expect answer a helmet | | | | |[pic] | | | | | | | |[pic] | | | | | | | | | | | |Question: Which one of these is wearing a helmet? | |Does she still drink coffee | | | |Expect answer | | |7 |No she used to. | | | |When did she stop drinking coffee | | | |Some time in the past | | | | | | | |Question: | | |Is she still his girlfriend | | | |Expect answer yes | | |8 |Has she always been his girlfriend | | | |Expect answer No, they spilt up |NO VISUAL NEEDED | | |Why did they get back together because he said sorry | | | | | | | |When did you have your photo taken | | | |Expect answer |Past _______X___________I__ Now | |3 |Some time ago in the past? | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Question: When was your photo taken | | |What would you do if your clothes were filthy | | | |Expect an swer |Clean shirt | |4 |Washed/Laundered/Cleaned |Dirty shirt | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Question: | | |Why didn’t he pass his exams? | | | |Expect answer | | |5 |He did not work hard enough? | | | |NO VISUAL NEEDED | | | | | | | | | | |Who did he travel around the world with | | | |Expect answer | | |6 |He travelled on his own | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Question: | ———————– and Training Centre International Teaching Celta Assignment 1 1. †¦. everything that has happened to us during the day †¦.. MEANING 1. â€Å"has happened† is a grammar structure used for actions which started in the past but continue up to now or to talk about actions that have a result now. Timeline: x (x)(x) has happenedpastpresentfuture CQs : Did it happen in the past? Yes. Is the day going on? Yes. Is it likely to happen some more events? Yes. Are we affected by the things that happened to us during the day? Yes. What events? We didn’t sleep well. What affects do we have now? We may be sleepy and tired now.FORM Subject| +| auxiliary verb| +| main verb|   |   | Have/has|   | past participle| everything + has + happened +–? IhaveYou ‘veWeThey| V3| I have notYou haven’tWethey| V3| lHave you we they | V3| He hasShe ‘s? t| | He has notShe hasn’tit| | heHas she it| | â€Å"has happenedâ€Å" is the form of Present Perfect Tense. PRONUNCIATION -Everything that has happened to us /h? / h? p? nd/ or /? z/ I’ve just watched†¦. He’s just watched †¦. They’ve watched†¦. /? v/ / hiz/ /? e? v/The auxiliary verb is not stressed in short forms but the main verb is stressed. ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS 1. Problem: Students may forget to use the auxiliary verb â€Å"has†Solution: Elicit some forms and write on the board. Cross out the one which doesn’t have the auxiliary verb and write the auxiliary form above it. . Problem :Students may confuse the meaning and form with simple past tenseSolution: Write two sentences and ask some CQs. e. g:â€Å"She went to cinema yesterday† â€Å"She’s just gone to cinema? † 1. Which one has an exact time? â€Å"Sentence 1†2. Which sentence has an affect now? â€Å"Sentence 2. She isn’t here now. † etc. 3. Problem: Students may use the base form of the verb instead of the third form. Solution: Cross out the wrong one and write the correct f orm above with a red board marker happened â€Å"†¦everything has happen †¦.. †4. Problem: Students may stress the auxiliary verbs â€Å" have† /h? /or â€Å"has† /h? z/ in short forms. Solution: Do some drilling exercise after modelling â€Å" ’ve† and† ’s† APPROPRIACY Neutral. Appropriate. References 1. http://www. thefreedictionary. com/ 2. http://www. google. com. tr/imgres? q=present+perfect+tense+timeline 3. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 4. http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=g2bHdXcszJ4| 2†¦. if scientists invented a pill†¦. , would you take it? MEANINGâ€Å"If conditionals† is the grammar structure used to talk about things possible but very unlikely to be fulfilled. CQs:Is it possible that the scientists invent a pill? Yes†Is it a strong possibility? â€Å"No, weak. †Is the meaning past or present? â€Å"Present†Do we imagine here? † Yes† FORM if + pas t simple would + subj+ bare infinitive CONDITIONAL CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSEIf scientists invented a pill,†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. would you take it? â€Å"Invented† is the past form of the verb† invent†. â€Å"Would† is a modal auxiliary verb here. PRONUNCIATION —-If scientists invented a pill†¦. , would you take it? – /? nvent? d/ /w ju ta? k ? t? / We pronounce â€Å"would† as / w? / instead of / w? ld/ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS 1. Problem: Students may think that we are talking about past. Solution: To avoid misunderstanding, students are given an easy task of brainstorming and also a kind of extension such as â€Å" If I were rich, I would †¦. etc. Later concept questions are asked â€Å"Do I imagine about something about past? † 2. Problem: Students may not pronounce the word â€Å"would†/w? ld/ naturally instead of /w? d/ Solution: Emphasize the /w? d/ sound and use backchaining,e. g start by modell ing and drilling the sound /d/ followed by /w? / and then the whole words /w ju ta? k ? t/ 3. Problem : Students may use present form of the verb in the â€Å"conditional clause† instead of the past form when we talk about imaginary situations. Solution : Elicit the correct form of the clause. Cross out the one wrong on the board and write the â€Å"simple past† form above. If I was/were richIf I am rich,†¦References: Harmer,J. (2005),How to Teach English,Longman Gower,R;Phillips Diane;Walters,S(2005) Teaching Practice http://www. ingilizce-ders. com/hata-yanlis/01-telaffuz-hata. htm | 3. Dr.Meddis believes that the unpleasant symptoms we suffer when we don’t sleep†¦. MEANING symptom (n,[ C ]: A sign or an indication of disorder or disease unpleasant (adj): not enjoyableCQs: Does a problem exist on our body? YesShould we see a doctor? YesAre we happy about the problem? NoAre we feeling good? NoFORM It is an adjective complement = adj+nounâ€Å"Unpleas ant† is an adjective here and it is the negative form of † pleasant†. It describes a noun here the â€Å"symptoms†. PRONUNCIATION – – – – †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ believes that the unpleasant symptoms we suffer†¦. -unpleasant /? npleznt/ symptom /s? mpt? ms/â€Å"Unpleasant â€Å"the stress is on the second syllable. â€Å"Symptoms† the stress is on the first vowel sound. ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS1. problem: Students may not understand the meaning of the word â€Å"symptoms† Solution: Use the CQs above to Show what â€Å"symptom† means. Ask the students how they feel when they are ill and make them act it out. 2. problem :Students may pronounce unpleasant /? npliznt / by saying /i/ instead of /e/ Solutions: Emphasise the /e/ sound in â€Å"unpleasant† References:http://oald8. xfordlearnersdictionaries. com/dictionary/unpleasantHarmer,J. (2005),How to Teach English,LongmanGower,R;Phillips Diane;Wal ters,S(2005) Teaching Practice| 1. We can put off sleeping for a limited time†¦MEANING to delayCQsIs it something positive or negative? NegativeCan we do it later? YesDo we sleep on time? No FORMIt is separable. It can be followed by a â€Å"noun† or â€Å"verb+ing. When it is used with a pronoun, the pronoun must be placed between the verb and the particlePut off sleeping= verb + particle+ VingPRONUNCIATION We an put off sleeping for a limited time -/ P? t? f /The stress is on â€Å"off†. The pronunciation pattern of phrasal verbs is easy to know as the stress is on the 2nd word. ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS:1. problem: Students may think that the antonym of â€Å"put off† is â€Å"put on† and possible that they confuse it with â€Å"take off† Solution: Emphasise that it isn’t the opposite form of the â€Å"put on† Write the opposite form of â€Å"put on† as â€Å"take off† not â€Å"put off† exyensio n: put off a flight/meeting etc 2. roblem: Students may use the pronoun after the phrasal verb. Solution: Write on the board the correct form and highlight the pronoun â€Å"it† â€Å"Put it off† 3. problem :Students may use base verb after the word â€Å"put off†Solution: Highlight the –ing form. Put off sleep +ing References: Longman Dictionary Of Contemporary English(2002) http://www. thefreedictionary. com/ www. fronter. com/cambridge/http://pronunciationcoach. wordpress. com/2012/02/23/phrasal-verbs-the-good-news-the-pronunciation/|

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