Monday, February 24, 2020

Research two of the best companies to work for in America Essay

Research two of the best companies to work for in America - Essay Example Both Google and Boston consulting group have things that make them great employers: things like industry leading salaries and care packages, a spirit of hiring from within, good job growth and so forth. Boston Consulting Group even hired its largest crop of new recruits ever in the year 2010, showing that even in the midst of serious economic downturn it is able to promise strong job growth. Google’s revenue continues to grow as well, with its search business and Android platform on mobile devices. That, along with a relatively small pool of employees leaves a large pool of money that allows both companies to spread a great deal of money and benefits to its employees while still remaining profitable. What makes both companies better than any other, however, is the x factor that can’t be quantified. For Google this x-factor is largely the corporate culture, a corporate culture that values innovation, forces its employees to take time to do something that does not relate to their jobs every day to keep them sharp, and allows new ideas to percolate. Boston Consulting Group has a very different type of x-factor. Boston Consulting, as an employer, has one of the greatest commitments to social issues of any company in the country. It has a network set up to do so, called Social Impact Practice Network, which allows its workers to pursue projects in conjunction with the UN world Food Program and Save the Children; furthermore, BCN removed its employees from projects they were working on to give on-the-ground support in Haiti following the earthquake that devastated the country (CNN Money). It is almost impossible to actually determine what the two best employers in the country are. Every year, Forbes publishes a list of the best employers in the country. Each one of those companies has top-notch wages, good job growth in both hourly and salaried workers, and many different kinds of benefits for its employees. In all of these realms, both Boston

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