Friday, December 27, 2019

A Guide to Valentines Day in Japan

Do you have any plans for Valentines Day? Is there a special way of spending this time in your culture? Learn how the day of love is celebrated in Japanese culture.   Gift-Giving In Japan, it is only the women who give presents to men. This is done because women are considered to be too shy to express their love. Though it might not  be true especially in  modern times, Valentines Day was thought to be a great opportunity to let women express their feelings. Chocolates Women typically give chocolates to men on Valentines Day. While chocolates are not necessarily the customary  gift  to give, this is a custom that smart chocolate companies have spread to boost their sales. This tactic  has been very successful. Now, chocolate companies in Japan sell more than half of their annual sales during the week before Valentines Day. Men are supposed to return gifts to women on a day called White Day (March 14th). This holiday is a Japanese creation. Giri-Choko But dont get too excited when you get chocolates from Japanese girls! They might be giri-choko (obligation chocolate). Women give chocolates not only to their loved ones. While a true love chocolate is called honmei-choko, giri-choko is the chocolate given to men such as bosses, colleagues or male friends that women have no romantic interest in. In these cases, the chocolates are given just for friendship or gratitude. The concept of giri is very Japanese. It is a mutual obligation that the Japanese follow when dealing with other people. If someone does you a favor, then you feel obligated to do something for that person. Valentines Cards and Expressions Unlike the West, sending Valentines cards is not common in Japan. Also, the phrase happy valentines is not widely used. On another note, happy birthday and happy new year are common phrases. In such cases, happy ~ is translated as ~ omedetou 㠁Šã‚ Ã£  §Ã£  ¨Ã£ â€ . The Color Red Which color do you think is the color of love? In Japan, many people would probably say it is red. Heart shapes are usually in red and red roses are also romantic gifts.   How do the Japanese see the color of red? How do they use it in their culture? Read  Japanese Conception of Red  to  learn the meaning behind the color red in Japanese culture and how it is used in society.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Communication Is A Learning Process With Each And Every...

Communication is a subject that is continually being learned, maintained and practiced. While the basic fundamentals of communication regarding structures, styles and step can be studied, the interaction of communication is continually evolving. Communication is a learning process with each and every interaction. Understanding the success or ineffectiveness of certain verbal, and nonverbal communication methods, adapting to various communication styles and overall expressing oneself accurately and competently are among some of the learnings during any exchange of communication, but there are so many more. However, this quarter I have learned communication goes beyond just verbally interacting with another person. Effective communication involves the importance of understanding how to concisely and articulately write a message to transcribe a thorough idea, the significant role active listening plays in understanding a request, concern or overall competence of a message, and how each person has their own style of communicating and by understanding this we can adapt to establish a better flow of communication; whether that is verbally or nonverbally. Written skills, communication principles of leadership skills and relationship skills are the three main takeaways from Business and Professional Communication which can be applicable to my future career. A key to writing in business, whether it is an email, a cover letter, a resume or a proposal is to write in an articulateShow MoreRelatedResearch Objectives And Questions On Language And Gender Essay1388 Words   |  6 Pagesstudy, justification and limitations are also covered in chapter one. 1.1 Background of the study. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Fallout of Intergenerational Trauma †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Fallout of Intergenerational Trauma. Answer: Introduction: The above quoted lines of Gemma B. Benton from her famous work Then She Sang A Willow Song: Reclaiming Life and Power with the Ancestors clearly outline the nature of the intergenerational trauma which forms the central fulcrum of the majority of the works of Joseph Boyden. It is to be noted that Joseph Boyden is a Canadian author most of whose literary works deal management with the contemporary problems which the nation of Canada is facing at the moment. The article under consideration here The true tragedy of Attawapiskat by Joseph Boyden himself seeks to give an overview of the problem which Attawapiskat is facing at the moment. According to the author, Attawapiskat is a microcosm of intergenerational trauma (Attawapiskat). It is interesting to note that he uses the metaphor of the place of Attawapiskat to portray the things which is inflicting Canada at the moment (Attawapiskat). For example, he narrates the incidents which the residents of Attawapiskat like Shannen Koostachin, Theresa Spence and others (Attawapiskat). It is to be noted that most of the novels of Boyden like Through Black Spruce, The Orenda and others try to portray the violence as well as the conflict which the various entities of the society are facing at the moment in the society of society (Attawapiskat). He tries to describe this particular state through the concept of intergenerational trauma which forms the central fulcrum of the article under discussion here. References Attawapiskat, The. "Joseph Boyden: Attawapiskat, And The Fallout Of Intergenerational Trauma." N.p., 2018. Web. 23 Mar. 2018.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

McDonalds In Moscow Essays - Fast Food, Fast Food Restaurant

McDonalds in Moscow Describe at least 5 American Marketing Techniques, utilized by Russians that you believe enhanced the productivity of the enterprise . 1. McDonalds in Russia was a joint Canadian-Russian venture, in which the appointed president was a Russian person. It was done first of all because Russian businessmen know all the specific aspects of doing business in Russia, and second of all in order to show the public that Russians play a major role in this venture. 2. Moscow was chosen for its favorable location and for being the capital-cultural center of Russia, where people are more informed and educated. 3. The opening of the first McDonalds in Russia was greatly advertised and promoted, not only by local media, but also by the biggest national and world media. Many world reporters were invited to the grand-opening of McDonalds so that they could show this event in a favorable way to the company. 4. At the grand opening orphans and children were served first and free. 5. Many high positioned officials from city and national government, and other celebrities took part in the opening. 6. Despite its foreign belonging McDonalds accepted only national Russian currency, Rubles. Question #2: Identify and describe at least 5 (five) obstacles or problems on a corporate level, and how they were solved and overcome. 1. Production problems. There was no manufacturer or producer in Russia who could produce products needed for the business. One of the solutions was to bring all the products from different countries, but that would be too expensive, so the management decided to build a huge food processing plant size of 3 football fields in order to produce all needed products under one roof, instead of shipping it from somewhere else. 2. Lack of Trust. At that time (we are talking about the end of Cold War) there was a great lack of trust between Russian and Canadian partners. That problem had to be overcome by establishing a good and friendly personal relationship between top executives of both sides. 3. Technology problem. Despite its status as a Super- Power, Russia was far behind United States and Canada in technological development. All the equipment for the restaurant had to be brought from outside of the country, even the equipment for the food processing plant. 4. Political problem. Not every Russian political leader would understand the opening of a representative of not long ago hated"capitalism system" in the heart of Russia. The management had work closely on the McDonalds' s image in Russia. They had to introduce their restaurant not as a "Capitalism" intruder, but as a business that will serve people's needs when they are in hurry. 5. No local managers. There were no local people who could qualify for the manager's position, so McDonalds had to hire a few Russian men and send them to Canada, where they would learn all necessary skills. 6. Hiring employees. When McDonalds first announced its plans to hire new employees, they started receiving thousands of applications every day. They had to find, select and interview lots of people, in order to hire best possible candidates. 7. Harsh Russian Winter. As we all know, winter in Russia can be very cold, so McDonalds Corp. had to establish supply of ingredients for their products from the companies, which do not depend on weather conditions. Some of the supplies were produced by local farms, and some had to be imported.j 8. Communicational problems. Despite its size, Moskow did not have any phone books, or business directories, this made it very hard for company to find or locate anything or anybody in capital of Russia. It was also very hard to establish good communication between McDonalds in Moskow and its executives in Canada. 9. Ingredients problems. Some of the ingredients that McDonalds uses ( such as potatoes) could not be produced by local farmers. Russian potatoes were to big in size, and could not be used to make a french fries. McDonalds had to ship potato seeds from Europe to reproduce them in Russia Question #3 Do you believe that McDonalds will succeed in a long term in Moskow ? Answer: It has been ten years since McDonalds opened its restaurant in Moskow, and so far it has proved its ability to do a profitable business in Russia. However, I do not believe that McDonalds will succeed in Moscow in years to come. In order to prove my point of view, I will provide my 5 reason . 1. After August 98 economical crisis in Russia,